Friday, September 16, 2022

[Book Tour- Review] Druid's Moon by Deniz Bevan


Druid's Moon
Beauty to his Beast…

Lyne Vanlith, an archaeologist who seeks a logical explanation to any mystery, discovers an ancient Druidic curse on her first dig. When the signs foretold by the curse descend on her, Lyne can’t find a reasonable interpretation.

And that’s even before a Beast rescues her from a monstrous sea-creature. She drops a grateful kiss on the snout of the Beast, who transforms into a man, Frederick Cunnick, Baron of Lansladron. Lyne is meant to be Beauty to his Beast—and break the curse forever.

Now both spellkeeper and monster are targeting Lyne. She must take up her legendary role, to defeat the curse and save Frederick—and herself. Instead of logic, for the first time, Lyne must trust her heart.

This Beauty and the Beast retelling is unique in  the fact that it involves druids, beasts, octopuses and beauty's.  I enjoyed that it was a unique storyline, and I could tell that the author put a lot into the creativity of the book. The main characters occupation was exciting and the scene of the book was lovely. 

Unfortunately, the characters felt a bit flat to me. I felt like they needed a little bit more fleshing out, because they just felt somewhat static.  I did like Lyne and Frederick, but I just felt like they could just be more. Their chemistry was there, but I think with just a bit more they could have been amazing together. 

The story itself is only about 150 pages, so it is very short and sweet. If you're looking for a fast paced read then this is the book for you. It is a Beauty and the Beast retelling, but it is unlike any that I gave read before so you won't be bored with the concept. I felt like the characters and the story needed a little more depth, but I enjoyed the book overall. 

Thank you to the publisher and the author for supplying a free copy of this book. These views are my own and I was not obligated to leave a review. 

Deniz Bevan has lived and worked in Turkey, and her non-fiction work, including travel articles, book reviews and personal essays, has most recently appeared in the trilingual (English, French, and Turkish) newspaper Bizim Anadolu. Her short story 'Where There's Life' was shortlisted for the Surrey (Canada) International Writers' Conference Storyteller's Award in 2013. Her contemporary romance, Summer Fire is out now with Carina Press. And there’s a playlist for that story, and many others, on her YouTube channel! And her Story Inspirations board on Pinterest features images of all her characters.

A firm believer in burning the candle at both ends, she is generally writing a new novel while editing another, and blogging about her reading and research adventures -- and sharing travel photos – weekly on her blog, The Girdle of Melian. Other days, she tries to stay off the web altogether, as she delves into the history, mystery, and romance of her characters’ lives.

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