Thursday, February 3, 2022

[Book Tour- Excerpt] The Shoe Diaries by Darby Baham [GIVEAWAY]


The Shoe Diaries

by Darby Baham

GENRE: Contemporary Romance


It’s never too late to put your best foot forward

From the outside, Reagan “Rae” Doucet has it all: a coveted career in Washington, DC, a tight circle of friends and a shoe closet to die for. When one of her crew falls ill, however, Rae is done playing it safe. The talented but unfulfilled writer makes a “risk list” to revamp her life. But forgiving her ex, Jake Saunders, might be one risk too many…

From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.

The Friendship Chronicles/Book 1: The Shoe Diaries

"Reminiscent of Sex and the City and the Shopaholic series in the best possible way. Her stories are a lot of fun and yet she still tugs at your heartstrings."--Gail Chasan, Special Edition Editor




February 13, 2016 

“With this ring, I thee wed, and with it, I bestow upon thee the treasures of my mind, heart and hands…” 

Staring at my friends from my seat, I noticed more than just their words as they recited their vows. I saw their hands clasped together throughout the ceremony, and the smiles they wore even through their tears; the way they focused on each other like no one else was present even while a hundred and fifty of us stared at them with glee. But most important, I saw the love that was undeniable between the two of them. Strange, but I was all at once happy and sad, amazed and hurt. In them I saw hope for a future. Here were two people who’d found love and decided that nothing else was more important than their union. Yet, standing less than two feet away from them, I also saw the man I’d hoped would be my future—and it hurt me to my core to know that we would never have this same moment. 

Every few minutes I caught myself peeking over at him during the ceremony, hoping he would turn to me, and we would have some kind of knowing thought between us. That we would have a brief second where no words were necessary, and through our eyes, we’d say, “I know it didn’t work for us, but I still love you.” I craved that moment more than anything I’d ever wanted before, wishing with all my might he would just look over. Just glance at me…and smile. 

That look never happened. 

Darby Baham (she/her) is a debut author with Harlequin Special Edition and a New Yorker of five years who sometimes desperately misses the sprawling shoe closet she had while living in Maryland. She’s had personal blog posts appear in The Washington Post’s relationship vertical and has worked in the communications industry for more than two decades. The New Orleans, LA native is also a lover of big laughs and books that swallow you into their world. Her first book, The Shoe Diaries, debuts in 2022.

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Darby Baham’s Washington Post bylines

I had the perfect date dress. Why did it hang in my closet unworn for more than a year? -- March 2016

When it comes to relationship advice, sometimes it’s best to ignore your friends -- February 2016

I’m the oldest sister in my family and I’m single. And that’s okay. -- March 2016

I was afraid to say ‘I love you.’ Here’s how I found the courage. -

NOTE:  Here is the link to subscribe to receive books specifically from Harlequin Special Edition --

Darby's book will be included in the January edition.

The Shoe Diaries Sales Links



One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for participating in the blog tour!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading the book.

  3. When writing do you need it to be quite or do you like to have background noise?

    1. I definitely prefer quiet. I get too distracted by background things like music.

  4. Thank you for posting about this book, it sounds like an awesome read and I am looking forward to it

  5. I enjoyed the excerpt, Darby and I can't wait to read this delightful sounding book! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fantastic day!

    1. Thanks so much!! Hope you have a great day too.

  6. I want to know more about this book! Okay, so mainly why we go back in time.

    1. Kim! So, hopefully, this moment in the prologue sets the tone for the rest of the book and helps readers understand why Reagan has been so hesitant to take risks since then. It also introduces us to Reagan and Jake!


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