Thursday, February 24, 2022

[Book Tour-Excerpt] The Most Eligible Bride in London [GIVEAWAY]


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be giving away a $20 Amazon/BN Card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Love conquers even the most unlikely lord in USA Today bestselling author Ella Quinn’s delightful Lords of London series, as a reformed rogue endeavors to prove himself worthy of his chosen bride . . .

Mistakes happen, to be sure. Rarely are those mistakes as unfortunate as the one made by Nathanael, Viscount Fotherby, when he abducted the now Lady Merton to save his friend from marriage. Nate has been trying to make amends ever since, leaving behind his self-centered ways to fulfill his duties—and that includes finding a wife of his own. One woman sparks his interest above all others—a lady he helped when she was rescuing a child. Alas, there is a devilish complication . . .

Miss Henrietta Stern, Lady Merton’s younger sister, is intrigued by the stranger who comes to her aid—until she learns his identity. Nate’s stunt could have ruined her sister’s reputation, and her family may never forgive him. With beauty, connections, and a sizeable dowry, Henrietta has plenty of admirers. Yet no other suitor quickens her pulse quite like Nate does. Her heart insists that the gentleman has changed for the better. But can a renowned scoundrel possibly prove himself to be the perfect husband?

Read an Excerpt

“Miss, what should we do?” the messenger, a young boy named Toby they had hired for messages and odd jobs, asked Miss Henrietta Stern.

“Where is Mrs. Perriman?” She and her sister, Dotty, Marchioness of Merton, had assisted in the rescue of many children and infants during the time Henrietta had been in Town for her first Season. However, due to her sister’s pregnancy, they had asked Mrs. Perriman, the widow and daughter of army officers, who ran their charity, the Phoenix House, to perform the rescues. Normally Henrietta would not have hesitated, but she had never gone alone before.

“She’s out on another call, and I don’t know when she’ll be back.” The lad bounced from one foot to the other, clearly distraught. “The boy who brought the message said the baby’s mam died and the babe was poorly.”

There was only one thing to do. “I shall go.” Henrietta had read the short, barely literate note stating the sender had a baby they were willing to sell. “We’ll need to have a wet nurse brought here.”

“Miss Henrietta.” Parkin, her brother-in-law’s butler’s eyes rounded. “Neither her ladyship nor his lordship would approve.”

“It’s not as if I am going to St Giles or worse. It is still light and will be for the next hour. If we do not rescue this child now, it may die.” The butler’s stern countenance did not change. “I’ll take Cullen with me.” He was the largest of all Merton’s tall footmen. Henrietta suspected the man had been a soldier at one time, as many of the footmen were. “I shall be perfectly safe.” She would also take the Manton pistol that had been made for her.

“You will need a groom as well,” the butler said.

Henrietta stifled a sigh of relief. Parkin was not happy about this, but he would not stop her. “Yes, of course. Thank you.”

By the time she had changed into a sturdy, dark-blue wool serge gown she’d had made by the modiste at home, donned a plain bonnet, tucked her pistol in the pocket she’d had sewn into her mantle, and taken the coins needed from the strongbox kept for the purpose, the unmarked town coach was waiting in the street. “The address is just down from the Whitechapel workhouse. We must hurry. I do wish to be there and gone before it is dark.”

“Yes, miss.” The footman, now dressed in regular clothing, closed the coach door behind her, and the coach dipped as he climbed on the back.

The journey would take about a half hour, and the sun was already lower in the sky than she would have liked. Still, the chance to save another child was worth the risk, and she had three servants with her. Granted, two would remain with the coach. Still, Cullen would be enough to keep her safe.

A large traveling coach almost blocked the street, but they slid past the vehicle and pulled up on the other side of the road. It was still light enough, but the sun was sinking by the minute. The narrow street and tall buildings did not help.

The coachman opened the hatch in the roof. “The street we want is just ahead on the left.”

The footman opened the door and helped her out. “I’ll stay a bit behind you just in case they’re up to no good.”

About the Author:
USA Today bestselling author Ella Quinn’s studies and other jobs have always been on the serious side (political science professor and lawyer). Reading historical romances, especially Regencies, were her escape. Eventually her love of historical novels led her to start writing them.

She is married to her wonderful husband of almost fourty years. They have a son and two beautiful granddaughters, a Great Dane named Lilibet, and a cat named Winnie. After living in the South Pacific, Central America, North Africa, England and Europe, she and her husband decided to make their dreams come true lived on sailboat for three years. After cruising the Caribbean and North America, she completed a transatlantic crossing from St. Martin to Southern Europe. She's currently living in Germany, happily writing while her husband is back at work, recovering from retirement. She expects to be back on the boat in 2022.

Ella loves when readers connect with her.

Author Contact and Social Media:


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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

[Book Tour- Review] The Girl in the 67 Beetle [GIVEAWAY]


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE GIRL IN THE '67 BEETLE by Linda Lenhoff Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway! Link in bio.


About The Book:


Author: Linda Lenhoff

Pub. Date: June 18, 2021

Publisher: Laurel Canyon Press

Formats: Papreback, eBook

Pages: 284

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, TBD,

Amy Shepherd greets the one-year anniversary of her divorce by throwing herself a celebratory dinner of once-forbidden foods (frozen dinner from Trader Joe’s, no salad at all, and lots of dessert) and giving away all of her married-life possessions. The art director of Kids Press, Amy has been assigned to revise the story of Goldilocks, and she finds her own life reflecting a similar tale. Will she fall for a man who’s a little too old (but exciting), a man who’s a little too young (but awfully exciting looking), or a man who’s just right, at least as far as her friends are concerned? Or will she bring Goldilocks’ story—and her own—up to date with a little help from high-technology and the Goldilocks Planet theory? Can Amy resolve issues with her ex, her failing publishing company, plus her best friend’s quandary about working in a museum that’s been universally panned? Amy will have to decide how her own tale will end, all the while driving her beloved powder blue convertible through the streets of Santa Monica, where she has become known as the Girl in the ’67 Beetle, the only thing in her life that, so far at least, feels just right.

Linda Lenhoff is the author of Life a la Mode and Latte Lessons.

Praise for The Girl in the '67 Beetle
“I am so happy to keep company with smart, witty, and lovable characters. I rooted for all involved and applauded every romantic and professional payoff that The Girl in the ’67 Beetle delivered.
Elinor Lipman, author of Good Riddance, On Turpentine Lane, and The Family Man

I enjoyed this book so much I realized I wanted to start dating again and joined an online dating site! The Girl in the '67 Beetle is an utterly charming novel that zips along at a fun, brisk pace. You'll love the wide range of funny, quirky characters and the witty dialogue throughout will make you laugh out loud time and again. What a delight!
Renee Swindle, author of Shake Down the Stars, A Pinch of Ooh La La, and Please Please Please


 Are you looking for a cute, light hearted rom com in book form? Then you've come to the right place! The Girl in the 67 Beetle is sort of a middle of life coming of age story about a woman trying to find herself after a 10 year marriage that ended in divorce. She dates, she has work issues she has to solve, and she has to find out who she really is. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was just long enough to be a novel, but quick enough to be enjoyable. I was entertained by all of her relationships and the problems she had to solve, like goldilocks. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone that enjoys romance!

About Linda Lenhoff:

Linda Lenhoff  has worked in publishing as a writer and editor for several years, having edited nearly everything from makeup techniques (apply blush up and over the “apples” of your cheeks) at Seventeen Magazine to migraine studies (cut back on that chocolate) at research institutes. She has earned an MFA in Creative Writing, and her next novel, *Your Actual Life May Vary, will be published in 2022. Linda lives in California’s Bay Area with her husband and daughter.


Contact Linda at, Author photo by Haley Nelson.


Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of THE GIRL IN THE '67 BEETLE, US Only.

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Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Rockstar Book Tours

Kickoff Post


Mythical Books

Guest Post/IG Post


Cindys Love of Books



Daily Waffle

Excerpt/IG Post


Unconventional Quirky bibliophile

Guest Post/IG Post



IG Post


Two Chicks on Books



Jaime's Book World



Lisa Loves Literature

Guest Post


The Momma Spot


Week Two:



Review/IG Post



IG Post


Rajiv's Reviews

Review/IG Post


Coffee and Wander Book Reviews

Review/IG Post


Fire and Ice

Review/IG Post


The Girl Who Reads

Review/IG Post


Buried Under Books




Review/IG Post


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Review/IG Post


Prison Wife Reviews

Review/IG Post

[Book Tour- Excerpt] The Order of Time Series by Scott P. Southall [GIVEAWAY]


                           The Order of Time Series

by Scott P. Southall

GENRE: Middle Grade Fantasy  (Mythology/Ancient History)


About the Series

Picture two twelve-year-old fraternal twins who are like night and day. She is a smart and highly organised MMA fighter. He’s not a fighter, he’s a lover of history, art and Star Wars. Despite their differences they are one formidable team. Together Anastasia and Edward Upston travel through time and navigate ancient civilisations, angry gods and mythical monsters in their quest to protect the integrity of human history.

About The Order of Time

Anastasia and Edward Upston are eleven year old twins who are different in almost every way. Despite this they are inseparable and he best of friends. They tackle the highs and lows of sixth grade together whether they are fending off bullies at the elite Blake Academy or examining rare antiquities at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Then: life gets complicated.

They discover that their friend and mentor, Dr. Gregorian, is part of a secret society called the Order of Time. It turns out that time is not fixed, it’s a fluid continuum where changes to the past can create ripples all the way through to the present. It unwittingly falls to the twins to travel back through time to ancient Egypt where they must overcome deadly assassins, evil high priests and vengeful gods in order to prevent disaster. Together Anastasia and Edward must navigate all obstacles to preserve the past and find their way back home.

About The Order of Time and Odin’s Door The orange light bathed the snow-covered fields as the fiery globe began to dip below the horizon. It was strange that something so beautiful could signal the arrival of something so evil. One thing twelve-year-old twins Anastasia and Edward Upston knew for sure was that when mortals were caught between two bickering gods nothing good would come of it. Surviving the Viking Age may be the hardest thing they ever do, if they can…


The Order of Time

They started to leave when the room suddenly lit up with a strange purple light coming from under a closet door.

“Why is the closet glowing?” asked Edward, his voice trailing up an octave. “Maybe we should get out of here.”

“What if Dr. G’s in there? You know he always locks his door, but it was open tonight. Maybe he’s still here. He might need our help,” Anastasia said emphatically.

The light was getting brighter by the second. Now Edward could also hear a low humming noise.

“Stop being crazy, Anastasia! This is the part in the movies where you yell at the screen for the characters not to open the door. We are not going to open that door.”

“I’m not being crazy. If Dr. G is in there and needs help, we’ll never forgive ourselves.”

Edward looked at her pleadingly, but she wasn’t giving in. His shoulders slumped in defeat. Oh god, please don’t let there be a monster or anything really scary in there. Anastasia dragged him over to the closet door. The light pouring out around the cracks was incredibly bright and the humming was getting louder. She gripped the large, brass doorknob, took a breath, and opened the door.

The Order of Time and Odin’s Door

“Um, Anastasia, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?” Edward asked as he grabbed his formerly sane sister by the elbow and led her away from Erik. “What in the heck are you thinking? Help them kill the dragon?”

“I said we’d help Erik try to convince Soren to leave first. We’ll only help them kill the dragon if Soren won’t listen,” his twin explained, as if it should all make sense now. 

“Have you lost your mind?” Edward snapped.

“It’s a really simple plan. Don’t overthink it,” Anastasia said, looking at him like he was the one who was crazy. 

“Ahem,” they heard Erik interrupt from behind them. 

“I’m sorry, but we’re a little busy here at the moment,” Edward called over his shoulder at the red-haired Viking with the big sword. 

“While you’re talking to the slow one, I am going to find the Jarl. He’s also fixated on getting killed by Nidhogg. Perhaps you’ll have better luck talking some sense into her,” Erik said, shaking his head dismissively. 

Edward watched the big Viking follow Soren’s footprints until he disappeared into the underbrush before turning back to Anastasia. “We’re supposed to be in Strasbourg earning our entrance into the academy. We don’t even know why we’re here and you’re talking about killing dragons,” Edward whispered harshly just in case Erik was still in earshot. 

“I know we’re not supposed to be here but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help someone who needs our help,” his twin whispered back, her posture stiffening. 

“You know we can’t risk changing what happens here. How many times has Dr. G told us that the ripples from any change in the past can completely change the future? That red-haired dude is Erik the Red, the man who colonizes Greenland. His son Leif Erikson was the first European to sight North America: five hundred years before Christopher Columbus. Assuming we could help kill this dragon, just imagine what changing the past related to that guy might do. Dollar bills could say In Odin we trust and we might not even exist!” Edward was no longer whispering as he threw his hands in the air in exasperation. 

Scott is an American author and banking executive who lives in Sydney, Australia. He grew up in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and attended Georgetown University. While he loves his job as a global banker, his true passion is making up stories with his children. His debut novel, The Order of Time, reached #1 in its category on Amazon and was the 2021 Reader’s Favorite Gold Medal Winner in the Children’s – Mythology/Fairy Tale genre.

The book is on sale for $0.99 during the tour.


One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

[Book Tour- Excerpt/Interview] Mars Wars Series by John Andre Karr [GIVEAWAY]

                                                 Mars Wars Series:

Detonation Event (Mars Wars Book 1)

by John Andrew Karr 

GENRE: Science Fiction


For decades the Space Consortium of America has searched for new ways to harvest resources beyond an increasingly depleted Earth. The ultimate plan is about to be ignited. So is the ultimate threat to humankind . . .


Battle-hardened Captain Ry Devans and his crew of the Mars Orbiter Station One (MOS-1) are part of a bold plan: resurrect the active molten cores of the Red Planet with synchronized thermonuclear explosions, and terraform the hell out of that iron-oxide rock for future generations. It’ll change history. So will the strands of carbon-based Martian cells that have hitched a ride on the ship.

Dr. Karen Wagner knows the microbes’ resistance to virus is incredible. It’s the unknowable that’s dicey. Her orders: blow them into space. But orders can be undermined. Two vials have been stolen and sent hurtling toward the biosphere. For Devans and Wagner, ferreting out the saboteurs on board is only the beginning. Because there are more of them back on Earth—an army of radical eco-terrorists anxious to create a New World Order with a catastrophic gift from Mars.

Now, one-hundred-and-forty-million miles away from home, Devans is feeling expendable, betrayed, a little adrift, and a lot wild-eyed. But space madness could be his salvation—and Earth’s. He has a plan. And he’ll have to be crazy to make it work.


From Destination Event, Mars Wars, Book 1

“Take the shot!” Hamilton’s voice, excited in his ears. “You’re at seventy yards between. That’s easy range for the atomizer.”

“Yeah, thanks, but I’m not exactly a sniper, Ham. And it’s not even a rifle, okay?”

At fifty yards he unbuttoned the holster and drew the atomizer, aimed, and fired a single pulse. The white fluorescent laser beams snaked out and missed, just above the rounded beetle hull of the repair drone. Its long arms went into motion, as if it were alive and realized it was under attack. Tendrils of laser-encased hyper-vibration streaked for Wagner’s face shield.

“Whoa!” he cried, ducking low so the ray passed overhead.

“What was that?” Hamilton asked.

Trent swerved in his descent spiral as another bolt lit the tunnel. He shot back, and one of the drone’s arms fell from a missing socket. A hit, but not debilitating. “Guess who also has an atomizer?”

“The drone is firing back?” Ham said incredulously.

“Somebody’s hacked the crap out of this thing!”

“Thought the operating system got messed up and it went rogue.”

“Well, the rogue must have artificial intelligence, or it’s a pure hack…It’s fired atomizer slugs at me twice now!”

“Repair drones don’t have AI. Kill it and return to the surface!”

He took aim, but the atomizer fixed to his opponent’s arm glowed before his own. He had a split second to dive to the side or a third beam would have put a hole in the size of a fist through his torso. The board, obeying the relative position of the computer on his forearm, went into a side spin. He countered and fixed on the drone, but it kept a relative position directly beneath him now. Soon it would open fire, and he was vulnerable. He rolled his forearm. Now the board was overhead, and he hung beneath it like a space bat, if there were such creatures. He fired three quick blasts as it aimed its own tool-turned-weapon.

A flash of sparks, and the drone sheared in half, then quarters. Pieces of it flickered, then faded.

“Boom, baby!” Wagner shouted.

He rolled his forearm hard left and stood on the board and balanced, then hovered after a few more adjustments. He watched as residual glowing pieces fell beyond the nearby relay. “It’s dead, Ham!”

“All right! Great stuff! Now get the hell up here!”

“Roger that.”

“And please leave the twentieth century down there,” she added.

“That was uncalled for, Senator,” he said, with a laugh.

“No crap, Trent, you have to get moving. You’re five miles down.”

He heard her swallow.

Up! he thought.

He flew upward and soon passed the four-mile mark. At the third mile the drone board flashed red and slowed its ascent.

Not optimal, he thought.


“You’re doin’ great, Trent.”

“Now you’ve really got me worried.”

“Only now? Why?”

“I don’t think you’ve used my first name this much, ever. Oh, yeah, and my ride’s ion supply is spent.”

He kicked out of the board as it gave its last bit of ion energy. It fell away in the darkness, red lights glowing down the abyss. Warnings sounded in his helmet and the jet pack flashed red around the tunnel walls. He considered activating his boot jets but nixed it. They were the last-ditch option. He didn’t want to use them until the others gave out.

Fresh sweat broke out on his forehead. “Uh, you said something about another drone board?”

“I’ve got it flying like a plasma bullet a half mile from your position, kid,” Captain Devans said, his voice, tight with tension.

“Hey CapD, this is a private channel.” Trent’s belly tightened as he dropped down a few feet as the pack drive sputtered, stabilized, then sputtered some more. He swore and backed off the speed.

“Captain’s prerogative,” Devans said. “Hang on! Second drone’s coming.”

“Thanks. I don’t know how much longer…This was still worth it, you know.” A tremble had entered his voice.

“Shut up and just hover instead of climbing,” Devans said. “Let the board come to you.”

The jet pack increased the flickering of the red warning flashes and decibel level of the alarm now, as Trent leveled out to hover. He looked up. He thought he could see a pinpoint of light way up there. The jet pack gasped, sputtered, and quit. He plummeted in a sickening free fall. He touched a button on his suit.

“Boot jet time!” Wagner said and leveled out once more, then slowly climbed. It wouldn’t be enough to take him to the surface, however.

“Drone?” he asked.

“It’s coming, it’s coming!” Hamilton said.

“Hang on, Wagner! I’ve got it closing on you,” Devans said.

He flew upward another few moments, then the pressure vanished from his boots. The ion jets were done, probably quit early from his antics at the mouth of the tunnel.

Free fall.

His stomach lurched. This wasn’t drone riding at Lunar One for kicks. This was the calculated risk where Death shows his cards and laughs. Trent held his arms out at an angle, fought to stabilize. He forced his eyes to remain open and scan upward. Searching. Searching.

“Status, Wagner?” Devans said.

“Not…too…good,” he grunted.  “Jets…all done.”

“You’re falling! God!” Hamilton said.

“Hang on, Wagner! The board’s coming faster than your fall. Get ready!”

His helmet lights illuminated the rush of tunnel wall.

A plunging glow from above. New lights! A rectangular outline was coming fast.

He grabbed at the board, but it shot past him. His gloved fingers swept the surface.

“Slow it a little!” Wagner said.

“Getting beneath you,” Devans returned.

Wagner’s breath got knocked out as he struck the drone squarely on his back and nearly rolled off trying to grab hold. “I’m on! Got it! Got it!”

Cheers through the comm link.

On his belly now, with legs too shaky to try to stand, Trent flew upward on the second board, this time straight up. The tiny light above grew larger and larger. Two shadows appeared in front of it, and the helmet lights of two forms came toward him. The identity text labels of Hamilton and Devans came up on his face shield.

“Are you two star-shined? Don’t come down here!” Wagner said.

“Wagner, please,” Hamilton said.

They slowed, hovered above Wagner’s rising position, then matched the board’s upward speed. They grabbed the retention rail at each side of the board and set their jet thrusters on high.

“Enough tunnel diving…Let’s get the hell out of here,” Devans said. “Wagner, link this drone board to your forearm computer.”

A few seconds passed. “Got it, Cap.”

“Okay, I’m breaking off my link.”

Upward they flew. Wagner grinned at his companions.

“Don’t give me that crap,” Hamilton said.

“Come on, Ham, you gotta admit it’s pretty cool.”


Devans shook his head back and forth inside the helmet. “It’ll be cool when we get back in the shuttle and on our way to MOS-1 for the Detonation Event, surfer boy. By the way, you saved the mission, but never risk your life for equipment unless it’s life or death.”

Wagner smiled. “This mission is about mortality. It’s the only shot Mars has at life again.”

“We all want success, but let’s agree it’s a very long shot,” Devans said. “Calculated risk should involve better odds.”

“Got that right,” Hamilton said.

Wagner’s smile faded as bright light moved back and forth over the tunnel mouth, casting moving shadows of the rim. “What’s up with the lights?”

Devans squinted upward. “Nuro, why is the shuttle in motion?”

No answer.

“Nuro, Klemmet, what the hell’s going on with the shuttle?”

No answer.

“Somebody give me a damn status up there!”

No answer. From anyone.

The light danced back over the tunnel in sweeps of varying intensity, and glimpses of a spinning and shuddering PS-9 could be made out as the tunnel mouth grew wider and wider as they flew for the surface.

“Burroughs, what the hell is happening? Burroughs!”

“They’re not on this private freq,” Hamilton said, looking over Wagner’s prone body on the drone board at Devans. “You hacked your way through.”

Another form rose above the edge of the tunnel, ion jets glowing on her back. She frantically waved them upward.

“Hold on, I see Burroughs,” Devans said. “Changing freq to public. You two do the same. Keep pushing up!”

His mouth moved, the veins on the side of his neck bulged, and his eyes glared as he kept staring upward. Wagner changed his frequency with a verbal command and picked up the conversation between Devans and Burroughs.

“Nobody’s replying to my hails! Nine goes up two hundred feet, out a half mile, down to bounce off the surface, then back into a spinning swing!” Burroughs said, her voice tense to contain the note of panic.

“Navigation’s degraded or gone. Describe the tail section,” Devans said.

“White hot! There are cracks all over the hull and smoke’s streaming out! Ry—Cap—it’s horrible!”

Through the face shield Wagner saw shock on Devans’s face; then his features hardened. “The nuke drive is in overload! Crew of PS-9, abandon ship. Repeat, abandon ship!”

No replies.

Mars Wars: Annihilation Plan


Mars, in the throes of resurrection.

If you happened to have an illegal telescope, or proxied your galaxynet address well enough to pirate your way to satellite images of Mars, you might glimpse a damaged but operational Mars Orbiter 1, alive with ‘rebels.’

You could see clusters of superheated propellant burning beyond Earth space, as the EFF (Earth First Faction) sends armed planetary shuttles on an attack route to relieve the rebels of their existence.

If so, you’d be witnessing Mars Wars.


The debris would be recovered by the drones for re-purposing.

No one on MOS-1 wanted human bodies to be stripped of their space suits by drones.

The machines would take them to Mars entry, however, for incineration.

Devans flew just past the next drifting form. He twisted into a one eighty to allow the ion jets to act as space brakes, then angled the small funnels to keep himself at the same rate and direction as the deceased.

He held an arm out and touched the suit.

The helmet had been atomized on a diagonal. He could not determine the gender of the victim inside. The identification chip was either gone or damaged.

This one’s even worse than the last one, he thought.

A glow spot grew in the corner of Devans’ eye. At first he thought it was notification of a mindtext, as they came with tiny dots in the periphery. But this was on the wrong side of his mindtext queue.

“Ry, duck and move! NOW!”

He knew Burroughs’ tones well enough to react first, ask later.

His hand blurred to hit a double max jet burst downward and sideways.

A concentrated cluster of laser beams lit up the inside of his helmet and hummed through his suit speakers.

He didn’t stop there.

He arced up and he drew the spatz pistol holstered at his side.

Where, where?

Another flash and he hit a jet burst upward this time. The beam went low, anticipating a maneuver similar to his first.

“Crew, back to ship!” Devans said. “Gwen, fire a volley at the origin.”

PS-17 shifted and fired, the beams trailing out into darkness.

“Shannon, where the hell is it?”

“I can’t see it!” her voice was frantic. “INCOMING, RY! Go, Go, Go!”

He zipped away on a spin, returned fire though he had yet to make visual, even with the face shield’s enhanced zoom.

“They must be cloaked,” he said, dodging two more beams.

PS-17 lit up the originating area with a barrage of streaking plasma rounds. He saw a single splatter that had appeared as nothing.

He aimed and fired at it, shouting coordinates.

“Get in the ship, Ry! They’re after you!”

If true, then PS-17’s shields were as about as impervious as human flesh to a spatz beam, and he’d be putting the crew at greater risk. However, his little suit jets were micro thrusters compared to the fusion engine of a shuttle, and the crew and all the ‘rebels’ of MOS-1 had already been hurled into the risk vortex that accompanies war.

The space crazy had an answer.   

“Nah, I’m good out here.”


What is something you’ve lied about?

Finishing my homework as a kid so I could go out and play.

Who is the last person you hugged?


What are you reading now?

Conan tales by Robert E. Howard, various short stories, and the novel Jameson by Kristina Lowe. 

How do you come up with the titles to your books?

Some part of the book usually stands out as the main thrust and is initially derived from there. Often editors will help sharpen it.

Share your dream cast for your book.

Daniel Craig or Denzel Washington for Ry Devans.

From his home in Wilmington, North Carolina, John Andrew Karr (also John A. Karr) writes of the strange and spectacular. He is the author of a handful of independent and small press novels and novellas, and also leaves in his wake a trail of short stories.

Amazon Author Page:

Twitter: @johnandrewkarr1

Instagram/Tumblr: johnandrewkarr


Detonation Event:

Rogue Planet:


One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

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[Book Tour-Blast] Playtime clothes [GIVEAWAY]

  This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions . Kim MacLean will award a randomly drawn winner a $15 Ama...