Tuesday, November 30, 2021

[Book Tour- Excerpt] Bite Me for Christmas by Megan Slayer [GIVEAWAY]


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Megan Slayer will be awarding a prize pack featuring a necklace made by the author to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

He came to her in a dream, but he’s more like a nightmare in tight jeans, and she wants a taste.

Rachael isn’t good at magic, and she’s not versed in life, but this witch wants to lay her hands on the sexy vampire who’s come to her in her dreams. Can she have her Christmas wish -- the vampire?

Gavin wants the witch, but he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of her. Part of him wants to devour her magic and save himself, but what if being saved doesn’t involve dying?

Anything is possible with a little Christmas magic.

Read an Excerpt

©Megan Slayer, 2021, All Rights Reserved

Rachael admired the twinkle lights she’d strung around the kitchen. Somewhere people were enjoying themselves. They might even be making love under the Christmas tree. She’d like to try that -- sex in front of the tree.

Instead, she’d pulled the chore of kitchen clean-up. She always pulled that chore and the rest, too.

She draped the washcloth over the faucet and surveyed the room. Everything appeared to be back in place.

When she peeked into the living room, Serena and Millie were deep in another round of cards. The last Rachael knew, they were playing hearts. Rachael tiptoed out to the back porch to admire the snow. The cauldron bubbled with some batch of potions. She had no idea what her sisters made, only that she had to clean out the pot when they finished. The tangy smell filled the enclosed space and made her dizzy.

She crinkled her nose. If she knew how, she’d change the scent to something nutmeg-y or pine -- anything but the overwhelming aroma.

Something flashed among the white snow. She folded her arms and stepped up to the screened-in windows. Maybe the flash was the play of firelight on the snow.

The snow glittered and mesmerized her as it fell -- that had to be it. The flash was falling snow.

She hummed the tune of a Christmas carol and fought back tears. Christmas shouldn’t be this depressing, but she couldn’t help herself. She tried to make the day bright, but Christmas Eve would forever be the day her parents died and her world turned upside down. The loss turned her sisters bitter, too. The official account said nothing about her being at fault, but her sisters swore she’d created the fog, which caused the collision.

She wished she knew the truth.

One day, she wanted to know, but she also wanted to replace the sad memories with good ones. She’d never forget her parents, but she needed to move forward with her life.


The flash returned, but this time, a man appeared among the snow.

Her blood sizzled, and she gasped. She knew this man.

Her vampire.

“Gavin,” she whispered. “You’re here.”

“You did ask for me for Christmas.” He moved across the snow and stood in the doorway to the porch. “Said you wanted a vampire for Christmas.”

She longed to touch him, but feared she’d draw her sisters’ attention.

“You did request me, didn’t you?”

About The Author:
Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on Amazon.com.

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library.

Author Amazon Page
Book Bub Author Page

Buy Links:

Changeling Press
Barnes and Noble

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, November 28, 2021

[Book Tour- Review] They Stay by Claire Fraise [GIVEAWAY]


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THEY STAY by Claire Fraise Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:

Title: THEY STAY (They Stay #1)

Author: Claire Fraise

Pub. Date: October 12, 2021

Publisher: Sabertooth Press

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 372

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, TBD, Bookshop.org

Read for FREE with a Kindle Unlimited Membership!

For fans of Stranger Things comes a suspenseful YA mystery about a missing kid, a girl who can see ghosts, and a horrifying crime only four outcasts have the power to stop.

What if the only person who could help you find your missing brother was dead?

Nothing is as important to sixteen-year-old Shiloh Oleson as her little brother Max. So when the six-year-old goes missing without a trace, a heartbroken Shiloh refuses to believe nothing can be done and sets out to find him.

When one of Shiloh’s classmates says she knows where Max is, Shiloh hesitates to believe her. Francesca is creepy. She says she can see ghosts, but everyone knows ghosts aren’t real … right?

But Francesca says that Max is going to be murdered.

And a ghost told her where he is.

As the line between the dead and living begins to blur, Shiloh starts to think Francesca might not be as crazy as she believed. One thing is becoming clear. Someone has gruesome plans for Max, and Shiloh must confront her worst nightmares to find him before it’s too late.

THEY STAY is the first book in the thrilling They Stay Series by award-winning author Claire Fraise. Read on if you like ghost stories, plot twists, enemies-to-friends, creepy circuses, budding romance, and unlikely heroes.

CONTENT WARNINGS: This book contains physical and mental abuse, death, violence, kidnapping, gun violence, alcohol abuse, references to suicide, implied sexual abuse (non-graphic), bullying, and mild adult language.

Praise for THEY STAY:

"Fraise successfully creates an atmosphere like a cold graveyard, and a heart-thundering story that will haunt you more than any ghost can." — Briar Esterline, author of Ablem's Sanctuary

 Download a SNEAK PEEK of THEY STAY here!


Book Trailer:

Suspense, ghosts, friendship, murder, oh my! This young adult book had everything. It had your typical romance, and your not so typical kidnapping. Shiloh's brother has recently been kidnapped by a mystery person. But, Francesca, "the weird girl" approaches Shiloh and tells her that she can help get her brother back, but there's a catch. She has to involve the ghosts that Shiloh doesn't believe in. Shiloh, Francesca, Miles and Jonah form an unlikely group as they all band together to find Shiloh's missing brother.

This book has multiple layers. It isn't just a ghost mystery, it's also a coming of age tale. Please check your trigger warnings, because Shiloh's life is rough. Her father is the sheriff, but he is also an abusive alcoholic. Shiloh grows within this book, and I really enjoyed that aspect. She learns to stand up for herself, and she's able to say when enough is enough. Also, the relationship between her and her brother is very heartfelt. I loved that all of the characters had multiple layers, and they weren't always who they appeared to be from the start.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. This mystery was fantastic, and the characters were all wonderful. The characters were probably my favorite part of this story, besides the friendly ghosts. I really loved how they were helpful for the most part. I would recommend this to anyone that enjoys character development and suspense. But, if you have triggers please check them. This is not a standalone, and there is a medium cliffhanger. So, also keep that in mind. Otherwise, please check this book out!

 Thank you to the Rockstar Book Tours for providing a copy of this book. These opinions are my own, and were not influenced in any way. I was not obligated to provide a review. 

About Claire Fraise:

Claire Fraise earned her B.A. in English from Tufts University. She published her debut novel when she was 16 (award-winning YA dystopian novel IMPERFECT), and her YA supernatural thriller THEY STAY is coming out in October 2021. When Claire’s not writing, she likes crocheting amigurumi animals, reading, and hanging out with her dogs. Even though it goes against every introverted bone in her body, she is on social media. Connect with her on Instagram at @clairefraiseauthor, on YouTube at Write with Claire Fraise, or visit her website at clairefraise.com.

Sign up here to get Claire’s Newsletter --> https://mailchi.mp/40f6e2a8c635/claire-fraise


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Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a finished copy of THEY STAY, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Devouring Books

Guest Post


Writer of Wrongs

Guest Post


For the Love of KidLit



BookHounds YA



Don't Judge, Read



Phannie the ginger bookworm


Week Two:


The Phantom Paragrapher



More Books Please blog



Once Upon a Twilight



Rajiv's Reviews



A Court of Coffee and Books



The Momma Spot





Week Three:


Jazzy Book Reviews



Review Thick And Thin






Lifestyle of Me



Karen Dee's Book Reviews






The Book Review Crew


Week Four:


Coffee and Wander Book Reviews



Eli to the nth



Two Points of Interest


Friday, November 26, 2021

[Book Tour- Review] The Undiscovered Descendants by Jo Visuri [GIVEAWAY]

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE UNDISCOVERED DESCENDANTS  by Jo Visuri Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About the Book:


Author: Jo Visuri

Pub. Date: November 15, 2021

Publisher: Pohjola Press

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 316

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, Kindle, B&N, TBD, Bookshop.org

Read for FREE with a Kindle Unlimited Membership!

A captivating modern-day fantasy filled with intrigue, suspense, mythology, magical objects, and special abilities, Jo Visuri’s adventurous tale will sweep you away to mystical Auor Island—where nothing is quite as it seems!

A remote island. Old secrets. And a cascade of unintended consequences.

Long ago, four clans from earth’s four corners were given magical abilities to help save humanity from oblivion. For generations, their descendants have lived in hidden communities and occasionally intermingled with regular humans—leading to whispers of unforeseen consequences.

Now, in the present-day and for unknown purposes, one Clan quietly and desperately seeks the rumored, undiscovered offspring.

Meanwhile, in the heart of a northern archipelago, Elin Bodil leads a perfectly ordinary, happy life on Auor Island with her family. When, through accident and circumstance, she meets both a motorcycle-driving stranger and the new mysterious boy next door, Elin's world is turned upside down.

As Elin is drawn into a brewing supernatural conflict—with her two unusual acquaintances on opposite sides, she must decipher who to trust while unearthing her island's secrets and those buried deep within herself. But when the search for answers triggers the Clan’s sinister schemes, Elin and her companions will have to confront far bigger and deadlier secrets than they ever imagined. And they’ll need much more than themselves to survive!

Welcome to Auor Island…and the legend and magic within its ruins!


"Jo Visuri does an outstanding job of juxtaposing fantasy and real-world concerns as the tension and action escalate [in The Undiscovered Descendants]...readers who want a story about new and evolving relationships, changing life purposes and perspectives, and threats to family and community connections will find The Undiscovered Descendants an excellent, satisfying story...highly recommended for teen fantasy readers who look for more than action and adventure in their stories." — D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW  Highly Recommended

"Secrets emerge as two young men try to find out if their classmate Elin is secretly a Dormant Descendant. Suspenseful and intriguing, The Undiscovered Descendants will have its readers halfway out of their seats. Brilliant characters, ancient Clans, special abilities, magic objects, and teenage relationships all wrapped into a fantastic adventure." — MANHATTAN BOOK REVIEW

"The Undiscovered Descendants is told from three different perspectives, and I love the seamless way that Elin's, Aeden's, and Tristan's tense stories weave together. The characters are fun and easy to both love and hate. Jo Visuri has introduced a unique world that combines modern teenagers and Scandinavian mythology in a delightfully refreshing way with a steady, action-fueled pace that makes it impossible to put down." — Amy, READERS' FAVORITE 

"I loved every bit of the story right to the very last page. The descriptions of the scenes are so vivid that they seem like a 3D projection. Additionally, the thoughtfully constructed story covers an interesting range of themes: jealousy, ambition, infatuation, secret societies, friendship, family, and more." — Foluso, READERS' FAVORITE 


This book was an adventure from beginning to end! At first, I wasn't sure what the setting was because the girls were gathering seashells at the shore to sell and there was some kind of entity in the background that Elin could sense. So, I wasn't sure if it was a fantasy world, dystopian or something similar. To my surprise, it is a normal world but with special inhabitants. Apparently, there are a subclass of humans that come from four clans. These clans all have special abilities and their apparent reason for existing is to stop the end of times, aka Ragnarok. There are also rare individuals that have the gene to be a part of the clan and have abilities, but these people have dormant powers and are called the undiscovered descendants. Elin just happens to be one. 

Elin meets two boys within the span of a few days. One of these boys is an unregistered clan member and the other is a hunter. Tristan, the motorcycle driving hunter, discovers Elin is a descendent and wants to bring her back to the clan to receive glory and recognition. Aedan, the unregistered clan member, is on the run with his family because the clans separate the families, to make the kids more structured and so that the parents can be more productive members of society. He also discovers Elin is a descendent, but he wants to keep her out of harms way, because their lives are dangerous. Poor Elin is caught in the middle. 

I loved the chemistry between Elin and Aedan, and the literal spark they had. I wasn't a huge fan of Tristan, but I think that's because of how he was raised. I'm hoping he has some major character development in the next book and that he doesn't become the major villain. I enjoyed the multi POV present throughout the book because it gave different perspectives between the narratives. Sometimes this can be the downfall of a book, but I think it was flowed beautifully and gave it more depth. 

Overall, I loved this book and I am anxiously awaiting the next in the series. I loved that there was Norse mythology woven throughout the book, and the fact that there were clans and another society in plain sight within the world was fascinating. This was a refreshing new story in the young adult genre and I am eager to read more from this author.

Thank you to the Rockstar Book Tours for providing a copy of this book. These opinions are my own, and were not influenced in any way. I was not obligated to provide a review. 


About Jo Visuri:

Jo Visuri was born and raised on an island in Finland’s famous archipelago, where she found her one and only Viking coin at the age of six. After spending a few formative years living by a Norwegian fjord, Jo’s family uprooted to the sunny beaches of Los Angeles, CA. A graduate of Brown University, Jo has been privately writing stories since she could read one and launched her debut The Undiscovered Descendants in Fall 2021. She now lives and writes in San Diego, CA, when she isn’t distracted by her cuddly and demanding senior dog. To catch up on the latest news and updates, join Jo Visuri’s newsletter at: www.jovisuri.com

Sign up for Jo’s mailing list!


Website  | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon  

Giveaway Details:

2 winners will receive an eBook of THE UNDISCOVERED DESCENDANTS, International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


BookHounds YA

Guest Post


Writer of Wrongs

Guest Post


Living in a Bookworld



The Momma Spot



Jazzy Book Reviews



Sadie's Spotlight

Excerpt/IG Stop


The Girl Who Reads

Review/IG Stop





Coffee and Wander Book Reviews






Week Two:


Eye-Rolling Demigod's Book Blog



Rajiv's Reviews

Review/IG Stop



Review/IG Stop


Triquetra Reviews






Books a Plenty Book Reviews



Simply Daniel Radcliffe



More Books Please blog

Review/IG Stop


Two Chicks on Books



#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Review/IG Stop

Monday, November 22, 2021

[Book Tour- Blitz] Crossroads 10th Anniversary by Mary Ting [GIVEAWAY]


Mary Ting
Publication date: March 2nd 2014
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

Based on dreams the author had in high school-chapter 1 & 2.

Protecting her was his duty.
Falling in love was forbidden.
Loving her was all that mattered, even if it meant he would be exiled for all eternity.

Claudia Emerson’s life is about to change. It seems like a tragic coincidence when her good friend, who shares the same first and last name, dies in a car accident. Grief brings tumultuous dreams—but these are more than simple dreams. In sleep, Claudia travels to another world called Crossroads. There, she meets Michael, a Nephilim–half angel, half human. Meeting him and being there changes her forever. It marks her as special, and that may not be a good thing. Now fallen angels and demons are after her, and it is up to Michael and the other Nephilim to protect her. Her dreams become a nightmare as secrets are revealed about who she really is and the true identities of the people she loves most.

Series link!

10th Anniversary Hardback
Book Plus Set With Gold Spray
Book Plus Set Without Gold Spray

Author Bio:

International Bestselling, Award-Winning Author Mary Ting writes soulful, spellbinding stories that excite the imagination and captivate readers all over the world. Her books run a wide range of genres: science fiction, fantasy, and swoon worthy stories. Her storytelling talents have won her a devoted legion of fans and garnered critical praise.

Mary was born in Seoul Korea and resides in Southern California with her husband, two children, and two dogs—Mochi and Mocha. She enjoys oil painting and making jewelry. Becoming an author was a way to grieve the death of her beloved grandmother. After realizing she wanted to become a full-time author, she retired from teaching after twenty years.

Website / Facebook Group / Facebook Page / Twitter / Instagram / Newsletter / Bookbub

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hosted by:

[Book Tour-Blast] Playtime clothes [GIVEAWAY]

  This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions . Kim MacLean will award a randomly drawn winner a $15 Ama...